here's my setup for mac os x + max/msp: - followed all the steps at - downloaded SimpleMessageSystem code from - followed the installation instructions for SimpleMessageSystem in the read_me.pdf - tested the max/msp example, SimpleMessageSystem.mxb, and modified the arguments of the serial object in max/msp to specify the arduino board: "serial usbserial-A1000gec 9600 8 1 0". to find the serial port device in the arduino ide, i followed the Howto instruction, which suggested it would be something like '/dev/cu.usbserial-A3000Yj0', which you select from from a list in Tools > Serial Port. in max/msp, i found the port by sending the 'print' message to the 'serial' object. this gave me a list of serial devices on my computer, one of which resembled the 'usbserial-AXXXX' from the arduino ide. -Owen