Will Bluetooth, ZigBee, and 802.11 all have a place in your home? Here's what ZigBee offers for home wireless networking.
For the last few years, we've witnessed a
great expansion of remote control devices in our day-to-day life. Five
years ago, infrared (IR) remotes for the television were the only such
devices in our homes. Now I quickly run out of fingers as I count the
devices and appliances I can control remotely in my house. This number
will only increase as more devices are controlled or monitored from a
To interact with all these remotely
controlled devices, we'll need to put them under a single standardized
control interface that can interconnect into a network, specifically a
HAN or home-area network. One of the most promising HAN protocols is
ZigBee, a software layer based on the IEEE 802.15.4 standard. This
article will introduce you to ZigBee—how it works and how it may be
more appropriate than simply accumulating more remotes.
Why so many remotes?
Right now, the more remotely controlled devices we install in our
homes, the more remotes we accumulate. Devices such as TVs, garage door
openers, and light and fan controls predominantly support one-way,
point-to-point control. They're not interchangeable and they don't
support more than one device. Because most remotely controlled devices
are proprietary and not standardized among manufacturers, even those
remotes used for the same function (like turning on and off lights) are
not interchangeable with similar remotes from different manufacturers.
In other words, you'll have as many separate remote control units as
you have devices to control.
Some modern IR remotes enable you to
control multiple devices by "learning" transmitting codes. But because
the range for IR control is limited by line of sight, they're used
predominantly for home entertainment control.
A HAN can solve both problems because it
doesn't need line-of-sight communication and because a single remote
(or other type of control unit) can command many devices.
First there was X-10
Of the few attempts to establish a standard for home networking that
would control various home appliances, the X-10 protocol is one of the
oldest. It was introduced in 1978 for the Sears Home Control System and
the Radio Shack Plug'n Power System. It uses power line wiring to send
and receive commands. The X-10 PRO code format is the de facto standard
for power line carrier transmission.
X-10 transmissions are synchronized to
the zero-crossing point of the AC power line. A binary 1 is represented
by a 1ms burst of 120KHz at the zero-cross point and binary 0 by the
absence of 120KHz. The network consists of transmitter units, receiver
units, and bidirectional units that can receive and transmit X-10
commands. Receiving units work as remote control power switches to
control home appliances or as remote control dimmers for lamps. The
transmitter unit is typically a normally-open switch that sends a
predefined X-10 command if the switch is closed. The X-10 commands
enable you to change the status of the appliance unit (turn it on or
off) or to control the status of a lamp unit (on, off, dim, bright).
Bidirectional units may send their current status (on or off) upon
request. A special code is used to accommodate the data transfer from
analog sensors. Currently, a broad range of devices that control home
appliances using the X-10 protocol is available from Radio Shack or web
retailers such as www.smarthome.com and www.x10.com.
Availability and simplicity have made
X-10 the best-known home automation standard. It enables plug-and-play
operation with any home appliance and doesn't require special knowledge
to configure and operate a home network.
The downside of its simplicity is slow
speed, low reliability, and lack of security. The effective data
transfer rate is 60bps, too slow for any meaningful data communication
between nodes. High redundancy in transition is dictated by heavy
signal degradation in the power line. For any power appliances, the
X-10 transmission looks like noise and is subject to removal by the
power line filters. Reliability and security issues rule out the use of
the X-10 network for critical household applications like remote
control of an entry door.
Table 1: Wireless technology comparison chart
Power Consumption
Protocol Stack Size
Up to 54Mbps
400+mA TX, standby 20mA
High data rate
Internet browsing, PC networking, file transfers
40mA TX, standby 0.2mA
Interoperability, cable replacement
Wireless USB, handset, headset
30mA TX, standby 3#&956;A
Long battery life, low cost
Remote control, battery-operated products, sensors
In the last few years, new wireless local
area networks (WLANs) such as Wi-Fi and Bluetooth became available.
Table 1 shows the strengths and applications of these different
systems. Wireless cameras for remote monitoring are an example of how
to employ those technologies in home automation and control areas. But
the problem is that those technologies don't satisfy the requirements
for a HAN.
If we take a look at the type of data
that circulates within a network of sensors and actuators, we may find
that most of it is small packets that control devices or obtain their
status. For many applications, such as wireless smoke and CO2 detectors
or wireless home security, the device mostly stays in deep-sleep mode
and only sends a short burst of information if a trigger event occurs.
The main requirements for devices in such types of networks are:
- extremely low power consumption
- the ability to sleep for a long time
- simplicity
- low cost
A home network should also support
different configurations, such as a star or mesh network, to
effectively cover a household area of 30 to 70 meters.
What is ZigBee? ZigBee
is a home-area network designed specifically to replace the
proliferation of individual remote controls. ZigBee was created to
satisfy the market's need for a cost-effective, standards-based
wireless network that supports low data rates, low power consumption,
security, and reliability. To address this need, the ZigBee Alliance,
an industry working group (www.zigbee.org),
is developing standardized application software on top of the IEEE
802.15.4 wireless standard. The alliance is working closely with the
IEEE to ensure an integrated, complete, and interoperable network for
the market. For example, the working group will provide
interoperability certification testing of 802.15.4 systems that include
the ZigBee software layer.
The ZigBee Alliance will also serve as
the official test and certification group for ZigBee devices. ZigBee is
the only standards-based technology that addresses the needs of most
remote monitoring and control and sensory network applications.

Figure 1: ZigBee stack architecture
It may be helpful to think of IEEE
802.15.4 as the physical radio and ZigBee as the logical network and
application software, as Figure 1 illustrates. Following the standard
Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) reference model, ZigBee's protocol
stack is structured in layers. The first two layers, physical (PHY) and
media access (MAC), are defined by the IEEE 802.15.4 standard. The
layers above them are defined by the ZigBee Alliance. The IEEE working
group passed the first draft of PHY and MAC in 2003. A final version of
the network (NWK) layer is expected sometime this year.
ZigBee-compliant products operate in
unlicensed bands worldwide, including 2.4GHz (global), 902 to 928MHz
(Americas), and 868MHz (Europe). Raw data throughput rates of 250Kbps
can be achieved at 2.4GHz (16 channels), 40Kbps at 915MHz (10
channels), and 20Kbps at 868MHz (1 channel). The transmission distance
is expected to range from 10 to 75m, depending on power output and
environmental characteristics. Like Wi-Fi, Zigbee uses direct-sequence
spread spectrum in the 2.4GHz band, with offset-quadrature phase-shift
keying modulation. Channel width is 2MHz with 5MHz channel spacing. The
868 and 900MHz bands also use direct-sequence spread spectrum but with
binary-phase-shift keying modulation.
Frame structure
Figure 2 illustrates the four basic frame types defined in 802.15.4: data, ACK, MAC command, and beacon.

Figure 2: The four basic frame types defined in 802.15.4:
Data, ACK, MAC command, and beacon
The data frame provides a payload
of up to 104 bytes. The frame is numbered to ensure that all packets
are tracked. A frame-check sequence ensures that packets are received
without error. This frame structure improves reliability in difficult
Another important structure for 802.15.4 is the acknowledgment (ACK) frame.
It provides feedback from the receiver to the sender confirming that
the packet was received without error. The device takes advantage of
specified "quiet time" between frames to send a short packet
immediately after the data-packet transmission.
A MAC command frame provides the
mechanism for remote control and configuration of client nodes. A
centralized network manager uses MAC to configure individual clients'
command frames no matter how large the network.
Finally, the beacon frame wakes up
client devices, which listen for their address and go back to sleep if
they don't receive it. Beacons are important for mesh and cluster-tree
networks to keep all the nodes synchronized without requiring those
nodes to consume precious battery energy by listening for long periods
of time.
Channel access, addressing Two
channel-access mechanisms are implemented in 802.15.4. For a non"beacon
network, a standard ALOHA CSMA-CA (carrier-sense medium-access with
collision avoidance) communicates with positive acknowledgement for
successfully received packets. In a beacon-enabled network, a
superframe structure is used to control channel access. The superframe
is set up by the network coordinator to transmit beacons at
predetermined intervals (multiples of 15.38ms, up to 252s) and provides
16 equal-width time slots between beacons for contention-free channel
access in each time slot. The structure guarantees dedicated bandwidth
and low latency. Channel access in each time slot is contention-based.
However, the network coordinator can dedicate up to seven guaranteed
time slots per beacon interval for quality of service.
Device addresses employ 64-bit IEEE and
optional 16-bit short addressing. The address field within the MAC can
contain both source and destination address information (needed for
peer-to-peer operation). This dual address information is used in mesh
networks to prevent a single point of failure within the network.
Device types
ZigBee networks use three device types:
- The network coordinator
maintains overall network knowledge. It's the most sophisticated of the
three types and requires the most memory and computing power.
- The full function device (FFD)
supports all 802.15.4 functions and features specified by the standard.
It can function as a network coordinator. Additional memory and
computing power make it ideal for network router functions or it could
be used in network-edge devices (where the network touches the real
- The reduced function device (RFD)
carries limited (as specified by the standard) functionality to lower
cost and complexity. It's generally found in network-edge devices.
Power and beacons Ultra-low
power consumption is how ZigBee technology promotes a long lifetime for
devices with nonrechargeable batteries. ZigBee networks are designed to
conserve the power of the slave nodes. For most of the time, a slave
device is in deep-sleep mode and wakes up only for a fraction of a
second to confirm its presence in the network. For example, the
transition from sleep mode to data transition is around 15ms and new
slave enumeration typically takes just 30ms.
ZigBee networks can use beacon or
non-beacon environments. Beacons are used to synchronize the network
devices, identify the HAN, and describe the structure of the
superframe. The beacon intervals are set by the network coordinator and
vary from 15ms to over 4 minutes. Sixteen equal time slots are
allocated between beacons for message delivery. The channel access in
each time slot is contention-based. However, the network coordinator
can dedicate up to seven guaranteed time slots for noncontention based
or low-latency delivery.
The non-beacon mode is a simple,
traditional multiple-access system used in simple peer and near-peer
networks. It operates like a two-way radio network, where each client
is autonomous and can initiate a conversation at will, but could
interfere with others unintentionally. The recipient may not hear the
call or the channel might already be in use.
Beacon mode is a mechanism for
controlling power consumption in extended networks such as cluster tree
or mesh. It enables all the clients to know when to communicate with
each other. Here, the two-way radio network has a central dispatcher
that manages the channel and arranges the calls. The primary value of
beacon mode is that it reduces the system's power consumption.
Non-beacon mode is typically used for
security systems where client units, such as intrusion sensors, motion
detectors, and glass-break detectors, sleep 99.999% of the time. Remote
units wake up on a regular, yet random, basis to announce their
continued presence in the network. When an event occurs, the sensor
wakes up instantly and transmits the alert ("Somebody's on the front
porch"). The network coordinator, powered from the main source, has its
receiver on all the time and can therefore wait to hear from each of
these stations. Since the network coordinator has an "infinite" source
of power it can allow clients to sleep for unlimited periods of time,
enabling them to save power.
Beacon mode is more suitable when the
network coordinator is battery-operated. Client units listen for the
network coordinator's beacon (broadcast at intervals between 0.015 and
252s). A client registers with the coordinator and looks for any
messages directed to it. If no messages are pending, the client returns
to sleep, awaking on a schedule specified by the coordinator. Once the
client communications are completed, the coordinator itself returns to
This timing requirement may have an
impact on the cost of the timing circuit in each end device. Longer
intervals of sleep mean that the timer must be more accurate or turn on
earlier to make sure that the beacon is heard, both of which will
increase receiver power consumption. Longer sleep intervals also mean
the timer must improve the quality of the timing oscillator circuit
(which increases cost) or control the maximum period of time between
beacons to not exceed 252s, keeping oscillator circuit costs low.
Security Security
and data integrity are key benefits of the ZigBee technology. ZigBee
leverages the security model of the IEEE 802.15.4 MAC sublayer which
specifies four security services:
- access control—the device maintains a list of trusted devices within the network
- data encryption, which uses symmetric key 128-bit advanced encryption standard
- frame integrity to protect data from being modified by parties without cryptographic keys
- sequential freshness to
reject data frames that have been replayed—the network controller
compares the freshness value with the last known value from the device
and rejects it if the freshness value has not been updated to a new
The actual security implementation is specified by the implementer using a standardized toolbox of ZigBee security software.
Network layer The
NWK layer associates or dissociates devices using the network
coordinator, implements security, and routes frames to their intended
destination. In addition, the NWK layer of the network coordinator is
responsible for starting a new network and assigning an address to
newly associated devices.
The NWK layer supports multiple network topologies including star, cluster tree, and mesh, all of which are shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3: ZigBee network model
In a star topology, one of the FFD-type
devices assumes the role of network coordinator and is responsible for
initiating and maintaining the devices on the network. All other
devices, known as end devices, directly communicate with the
In a mesh topology, the ZigBee
coordinator is responsible for starting the network and for choosing
key network parameters, but the network may be extended through the use
of ZigBee routers. The routing algorithm uses a request-response
protocol to eliminate sub-optimal routing. Ultimate network size can
reach 264 nodes (more than we'll probably need). Using local
addressing, you can configure simple networks of more than 65,000 (216) nodes, thereby reducing address overhead.
The General Operation Framework (GOF)
is a glue layer between applications and rest of the protocol stack.
The GOF currently covers various elements that are common for all
devices. It includes subaddressing and addressing modes and device
descriptions, such as type of device, power source, sleep modes, and
coordinators. Using an object model, the GOF specifies methods, events,
and data formats that are used by application profiles to construct
set/get commands and their responses.
Actual application profiles are defined
in the individual profiles of the IEEE's working groups. Each ZigBee
device can support up to 30 different profiles. Currently, only one
profile, Commercial and Residential Lighting, is defined. It includes
switching and dimming load controllers, corresponding remote-control
devices, and occupancy and light sensors.
The ZigBee stack is small in comparison
to other wireless standards. For network-edge devices with limited
capabilities, the stack requires about 4Kb of the memory. Full
implementation of the protocol stack takes less than 32Kb of memory.
The network coordinator may require extra RAM for a node devices
database and for transaction and pairing tables. The 802.15.4 standard
defines 26 primitives for the PHY and MAC layers; probably another
dozen will be added after finalizing the NWK layer specification. Those
numbers are still modest compared to 131 primitives defined for
Bluetooth. Such a compact footprint enables you to run Zigbee on a
simple 8-bit microcontroller such as an HC08- or 8051-based processor

Figure 4: A typical ZigBee-enabled device will consist of RF IC and 8-bit
microprocessor with peripherals connected to an application sensor or
As Figure 4 shows, a typical
ZigBee-enabled device includes a radio frequency integrated circuit (RF
IC) with a partially implemented PHY layer connected to a low-power,
low-voltage 8-bit microcontroller with peripherals, connected to an
application sensor or actuators. The protocol stack and application
firmware reside in on-chip flash memory. The entire ZigBee device can
be compact and cost efficient.
Motorola and Atmel already offer a set of
RF ICs and microcontrollers for ZigBee. Chipcon is sampling
802.15.4-compliant RF ICs for the 2.4GHz band. Currently, a ZigBee chip
set costs about $7, but that price should fall to $2 after market
acceptance. Studies suggest that it will happen in the new few years.
It may take a year or more to determine how much ZigBee will be
accepted in the market.
Consulting the crystal ball IEEE
802.15.4 is a new standard that still needs to pass through the circles
of rigorous technology critics and establish its own place in the
industry. Predictions for the future of ZigBee-enabled devices are a
popular topic for numerous market-research firms. But as with any
crystal ball reading, the results of those analyses are subject to
While I intend to stay objective, I
believe, based on protocol features implemented in 802.15.4, that
ZigBee has a bright future. Backed by IEEE, ZigBee has the potential to
unify methods of data communication for sensors, actuators, appliances,
and asset-tracking devices. It offers a means to build a reliable but
affordable network backbone that takes advantage of battery-operated
devices with a low data rate and a low duty cycle. ZigBee can be used
in many applications, from industrial automation, utility metering, and
building control to even toys. Home automation, however, is the biggest
market for ZigBee-enabled devices. This follows from the number of
remote controlled devices (or devices that may be connected wirelessly)
in the average household. This cost-effective and easy-to-use home
network potentially creates a whole new ecosystem of interconnected
home appliances, light and climate control systems, and security and
sensor subnetworks.
Mikhail Galeev is a senior
engineer at Motorola with seven years experience in firmware design for
embedded systems. He holds a BS in applied physics from Rostov State
University, Russia, and an MSEE from the University of South Alabama,
Mobile. You may reach him at Mikhail.Galeev@motorola.com.
Further Reading
Callaway, Edgar and Edgar Callaway, Jr. Wireless Sensor Networks: Architectures and Protocols. CRC Press, 2003.
Barrett, Raymond, Edgar Callaway, and Jose Gutierrez. IEEE 802.15.4 Low-Rate Wireless Personal Area Networks: Enabling Wireless Sensor Networks. Inst of Elect & Electronic, 2003.