Weekly Schedule
WEEK 01 :: [Monday, 10 February
2003 @ E15-335]
- Topic: Introduction and overview.
- Presenter: Josh Lifton, a.k.a. the TA
- Required readings: none
WEEK 02 :: [Tuesday, 18 February 2003 @ E15-335] Canceled due to snow. Schedule set back by
one week.
WEEK 02 :: [Tuesday, 25 February 2003 @ NE18 5th floor conference
- Topic: Structure and capability of biological skin.
- Presenters: Dan Stiehl and Larissa Welti-Santos
- Required readings:
- Chapter 2 from ``The Psychology of Touch'' edited by Heller
and Schiff
- One other biological skin reading of your choice. Either find your
own reading or choose an article listed at the Laboratory of
Dexterous Manipulation.
WEEK 03 :: [Monday, 03 March 2003 @ E15-335]
- Topic: Sensors applicable to electronic skin (part I).
- Presenters: Ryan Chin, Philip Liang, and Jonathan Bachrach
- Required readings:
- [PDF] IC-Integrated Flexible Shear-Stress Sensor Skin
- [PDF] A Large Area Force Sensor for Smart Skin Applications
- [PDF] A Textile Based Capacitive Pressure Sensor
- [PDF] DiamondTouch Characteristics and Capabilities
- At least one reading of your choice relating to sensor technology applicable to skins. Check the
resources page for ideas. The references sections from the above required
readings are also a good place to look.
WEEK 04 :: [Monday, 10 March 2003 @ E15-335]
- Topic: Sensors applicable to electronic skin (part II).
- Presenters: Diana Young, Dan Stiehl, and others
- Required readings:
- [PDF] Somesthesis
- [PDF] Electroactive Fabrics for Distributed, Conformable and Interactive Systems
- [PDF] The performance of a deformable-membrane tactile sensor: basic
results on geometrically-defined tasks
- [PDF] Sensitive Skin
- At least one reading of your choice relating to sensor technology applicable to skins. Check the
resources page for ideas. The references sections from the above required
readings are also a good place to look.
WEEK 05 :: [Monday, 17 March 2003 @ E15-335]
- Topic: Sensors applicable to electronic skin (part III) and introduction to sensor networks.
- Presenters: Thomas Papakostas and Aggelos Bletsas
- Required readings:
- [PDF] A Single-Chip Fingerprint Sensor and Identifier
- [PDF] Wireless Integrated Network Sensors: Low Power Systems on a Chip
- [PDF] TAG: a Tiny Aggregation Service for Ad-Hoc Sensor Networks
- At least one reading of your choice relating to sensor technology applicable to skins. Check the
resources page for ideas. The references sections from the above required
readings are also a good place to look.
WEEK 06 :: [Monday, 31 March 2003 @ E15-335]
- Topic: Introduction to various sensor network hardware platforms and concerns.
- Presenters: Kelly Dobson, Jonathan Bachrach, and Josh Lifton
- Required readings:
- [PDF] Smart Dust: Communicating with a Cubic-Millimeter Computer
- [PDF] Wireless Sensor Networks for Habitat Monitoring
- [PDF] Power Aware Wireless Microsensor Systems
- [PDF] Pushpin Computing System Overview: a Platform for
Distributed, Embedded, Ubiquitous Sensor Networks
- At least one reading of your choice relating to sensor networks in general, but preferably having to
do with hardware systems.
WEEK 07 :: [Monday, 07 April 2003 @ E15-335]
- Topic: More introduction to sensor networks, including algorithms and simulations.
- Presenters: Amanda Parkes and Bill Butera
- Required readings:
- [PDF][PS] Robomote: A Tiny Mobile Robot Platform for Large-Scale Ad-hoc Sensor Networks
- [PDF] Scalable Coordination for Wireless Sensor Networks: Self-Configuring Localization Systems
- [PDF][PS] Organizing a Global Coordinate System from Local Information on an Amorphous Computer
- At least one reading of your choice relating to sensor networks in general.
WEEK 08 :: [Friday, 18 April 2003 @ 1CC Conference Room]
- Topic: Further introduction to simulation environments and an overview of time synchronization and spatial localization.
- Presenters: James McBride and Josh Lifton
- Required readings:
- [PDF] Wireless Sensor Networks: A New Regime for Time Synchronization
- [PDF] Measurement of Space: From Ants to Robots
- At least one reading of your choice relating to sensor networks in general.
WEEK 09 :: [Monday, 28 April 2003 @ E15-335]
- Topic: Finishing up time synchronization and spatial localization. This week's readings introduce
information theory as a tool for analyzing sensor networks.
- Presenters: Arnan Sipitakiat and Aggelos Bletsas
- Required readings:
- [PDF] On the Interdependence of Routing and Data Compression in Multi-Hop Sensor Networks
WEEK 10 :: [Monday, 05 May 2003 @ E15-335]
- Topic: Distributed estimation and overview of last week's paper.
- Presenters: Michael Broxton and Josh Lifton
- Required readings:
- Finish reading last week's paper.
WEEK 11 :: [Monday, 12 May 2003 @ E15-335]
- Topic: Energy awareness in sensor networks and demonstration by Millennial.
- Presenters: Ari Benbasat and Sheng Liu
- Required readings:
- [PDF] Energy-Aware Wireless Microsensor Networks
- [PDF] Algorithmic Transforms for Efficient Energy Scalable Computation
- Read the first paper listed first, followed by the second. The second is a bit technical, but at least skim
through it to get the main ideas.