Class Overview / Structure / Technology Overview / Existing Applications


Joe's presentation materials are here: MAS969-Kickoff.ppt and this is the presentation from FX-PARC on their cross reality project with a chocolate factory: TCHO-Feb-for-joep.ppt

See ExampleApplications page for the last bit of class.

Properties of Virtuality / Second Life Intro + Mini Project


  1. Do the readings for the Properties of Virtuality section. 
  2. Sign up for a Second Life account. Figure out how to send "Zetetic Aubret" (that's me) an instant message with your avatar name. I'll invite you to join a group so you can get access to space to build on later. 
  3. Take some time to explore. Check out New World Notes as a jumping off point for using the web to find interesting content in SL. This has some discussions of mixed reality in SL, but the archives cover all kinds of SL related projects that might be interesting. In general, SL blogs have tons of great content, so just googling for "second life blog" + some specific term like fashion or art or architecture will turn up all kinds of interesting stuff. Make sure to try talking to people. There are lots of events (findable through the events interface), classes, tours, etc. 
  4. Write up a few paragraphs about your Second Life experience. Ideally, tell us something interesting that happened to you and try to link it back to the readings. How did Second Life's design make your experience possible / how did it hinder your experience? Post your thoughts at SecondLifeExperiences. 

Metaphor, Space, and Design / Augmented Reality

Design For Connecting Spaces / Brainstorming: First Project

  1. Do the readings for the Design For Connected Spaces section. 

First Project Critique / Introduction to the Portal System

  1. Do a project that connects the virtual and the real somehow. In this project, we want to move some bit of "real" data into the virtual world. What is "real" is quite flexible; data about your spending history or online browsing is real enough for this. Just bring that information into Second Life and represent it somehow. The focus on this project is on how you represent the data in Second Life and how having that data in Second Life is somehow useful. In general, this will probably be because it changes how you appear to other people in the environment OR creates some environment where multiple people can work together on some task.

Visions of Virtuality / Brainstorming: Second Project

Platforms: Wonderland / Nokia Handhelds

Second Project Critique / Brainstorming: Final Project

Brainstorming / Actuators for Virtual Manifestation

Crossreality Wiki: Calendar (last edited 2009-03-03 22:57:13 by drew)