The RF Random Access Integrated Node (RFRAIN) is a complete system of hardware and software for
the development of multi-node wireless applications.
The RFRAIN hardware is based around the Chipcon CC1010 Integrated
Circuit which contains an RF Transceiver and a Microcontroller in one package. This allows development
of standalone wireless applications on the RFRAIN. The hardware also provides all the analog tuning and
support hardware for the RF transceiver and two choices of antennas. A full spectrum rgb led, an
additional white led, a miniature 4-way navigation switch, and an analog temperature sensor are also
included on the RFRAIN to further demonstrate and test distributed wireless applications with no additional
hardware. For more details on the hardware, please see the Hardware page.
The RFRAIN software implements a random access peer to peer network for up to 64000 nodes. It implements a
collision avoidance/detection algorithm, acknowledgement with timeouts and retries, broadcast addressing,
crc checking on both the header and the data payload, 512 byte buffers in both directions, and a detailed
serial interface that allows the RFDC to be easily embedded into any application that needs wireless
communications. For more details on the software, please see the software page.

The RFRAIN embedded in an UbER-Badge