Basic Reading MaterialsMain Texts:There will be no specific text for this class (as none really yet exists), but readings will be assigned from various conference proceedings (e.g., NIME, ICMC, CHI, etc.), journals (JNMR, CMJ, etc.), websites, and texts.Supplimentary Texts:Chadabe, Joel. "Electronic Sound" [link]Rosenboom, David. "Biofeedback and the Arts" [link] (may be hard to find) Rhodes, Curtis. "The Computer Music Tutorial" [link] Darter, Tom and Arnbrysterm, Greg, eds. "The Art of Electronic Music" [link] Weidenaar, Reynold. "Magic Music from the Telharmonium". ISBN #0-8108-2692-5 Young, Gayle. "The Sackbut Blues: Hugh Le Caine Pioneer in Electronic Music". ISBN #0-660-12006 Klein, Barry. "Electronic music circuits" ISBN #067221833X [link] Isacoff, Stuart. "Temperament: How Music Became a Battleground for the Great Minds of Western Civilization". [link] Miranda, Eduardo Reck and Wanderley, Marcelo. New Digital Musical Instruments: Control And Interaction Beyond the Keyboard. ISBN #089579585X. [link] Selected papers will be distributed before each class, pertinent to the topic discussed. Lecture notes will be developed as the class progresses and distributed as appropriate. Relevant Papers, Articles, etc:Culter, Marty., Robair, Gino., Bean. "Outer Limits". in Electronic Musician, August 2000, vol. 49.Ostertag, Bob. "Human Bodies, Computer Music". in Leonardo Music Journal Volume 12, 2002. Paradiso, Joe. "Electronic Music Interfaces". in IEEE Spectrum. December 1997. Duringer, Joseph. "The Evolution of the Musical Keyboard in Leonardo Music Journal Volume 7, 1997. Darter, Tom & Armbruster, Greg. The Art of Electronic Music: The Instruments, Designers, and Musicians Behind the Artistic and Popular Explosion of Electronic Music Martirano, Salvatore. Progress Report #1: An Electronic Music Instrument Which Combines the Composing Process with Performance in Real Time Specifications: Scalatron Model SC1AE Secor, George. The Generalized Keyboard Scalatron Conti, Hugo. Whistle Synthesizer Misc:Hamm, Russell. "Tubes Versus Transistors - Is There an Audible Difference?". Presented September 14th, 1972 at the 43rd Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, New York.Listening Materials